India is in crisis.
We can help NOW.

The Goal:

$ 0
in Donations
Oxygen Cylinders


of Lives Saved

Contributions to date
521 donors

The COVID-19 pandemic is raging in India and people are dying for the sheer lack of medical oxygen. The supply of which is available, but for which transportation and distribution is the main challenge. With your help, we will save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Together, we can beat this crisis

Companies and private citizens have already joined forces to raise almost $2 Million. That money has funded the first couple of planes full of oxygen, and will be saving lives as you read this. More planes are ready to take off, and need your donation to fund the distribution to 8 key areas in India, ready and waiting to help India breathe.

OxygenForIndia is a volunteer-run campaign to deliver lifesaving medical oxygen to those who need it the most, and especially the poor who have little chance of being admitted to a hospital.

Learn more

  • Tom & Kathleen Bogan, Workday
  • Neal Dempsey, Bay Partners
  • Sunny & Prerna Gupta, CEO of Apptio
  • Matt & Carol McIlwain, Madrona Venture Group
  • Ravi & Christy Mohan, Shasta Partners
  • Sujal and Meera Patel
  • Kabir & Noreen Shahani, CEO of Amperity
  • Raj & Jill Singh, CEO of Accolade
  • Steve & Heather Singh, Madrona Venture Group
  • Soma & Akila Somasegar, Madrona Venture Group

More about OxygenForIndia

There are currently a few organized non-profit operations to get medical oxygen to hospitals and patients at home.

In response, Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan, Founder and Director of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP), put out a call to his network and OxygenForIndia was born. The organization is a collective of medical and public health professionals, volunteers, and concerned citizens around the world.